All posts by Bodenzord

Time Code Converter

Have you ever needed to convert timecode from one format to another, say NTSC Drop-Frame to PAL? Over the years, I have needed this on countless occasions. I finally broke down and created a webpage with a time code converter, which I’ve included on this website. Click here to go to that page and feel free to bookmark it.

timecode converter

WordPress Tip: Change default thumbnail size for Featured Image

Here’s a quick little tip that took me a long time to figure out.

Within WordPress, multiple sizes of images can be created when a photo is uploaded, such as thumbnail, medium and large. This is controlled in the Settings/Media. However, none of these settings control the size of the thumbnail for a Featured Image. This is actually defined in the functions.php file of your theme.

OSX Tip: Create an Alias to a directory on a Screen Shared network computer

To create an alias to a specific folder on the server:

  1. Create an Alias of any local directory by highlighting the directory and typing CMD-L
  2. Move this to any convenient location such as the Desktop
  3. Get Info of this new Alias by typing CMD-I
  4. Click “Select New Original”
  5. Navigate to the folder on the shared computer and select it
  6. Click OPEN
  7. Close the Info window and you’re done.

This Alias can then be dragged to the Finder Toolbar for a quick-launch to the folder.
